As part of CBS Corporation’s involvement in Fleet Week (May 24-30), Jo Ann Ross, President, CBS Network Sales, joined the USS Kearsarge the evening of Tuesday, May 23 for an overnight stay. She arrived on the ship by chopper and sat through briefings on board with senior Navy Commanders and other executives from the area. She disembarked the morning of Wednesday, May 24. CBS’ sponsorship of the Fleet Week Command Center, which runs 24 hours a day during Fleet Week, included a financial donation made by the Company for resources such as supplies, coffee and snacks. In addition, CBS employees were given the opportunity to volunteer at the Command Center for one day during Fleet Week in New York City, Wednesday, May 24 through Tuesday, May 30. This year, an estimated 13 ships will arrive with over 5,000 service members disembarking in New York City. CBS employees will be greeting and thanking Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen as they dock in New York.
Pictured below is Jo Ann Ross with Navy personnel on the USS Kearsarge
(pictured L-R) Josh Brackett (VP, Financial Operations & Business Strategy, Director of Veterans Initiatives, CBS Corporation); Richard M. Jones (Executive Vice President and Chief Veteran Officer, CBS Corporation), Jo Ann Ross (President, CBS Network Sales); Chris Simon (Executive Vice President, CBS Network Sales); John Bogusz (Executive Vice President, Sports Sales & Marketing, CBS Network Sales).
Alex Denis of WCBS in New York City interviews a New York City resident that is stationed on the USS Kearsarge